Helen Steinkopf believed in the inclusion in the community of people living with an intellectual disability. She believed in opportunities for inclusion in child care, school, work, recreation, sports and home. Helen died in 2005 but left a gift that enables people living with an intellectual disability to enjoy vacations, travel, recreation and camping experiences. Each year Manitoba Marathon makes available limited funds to support Helen’s vision.
Manitoba Marathon is pleased to offer up to $500 per person to adults living with an intellectual disability so that they may engage in and enjoy Helen’s gift – take a holiday – go camping – participate in an activity that is really special. The gift may be applied for by an individual once every four years and is available to all ages. Further support may be available depending on need and contributions by individuals to their holiday. Some examples of requests:
- Attend camp
- Take sailing lessons
- Travel to Inverness Falls with three friends to enjoy snowmobiling, cross country skiing and winter walks in February
- Travel to visit my family whom I have not seen in years
- Attend a concert or a special event
In 2015, 29 people were supported in their dream experiences. In 2018,19 individuals benefited from the Helen Steinkopf Fund.
- Full Name and Mailing Address of Applicant
- Name of the sponsoring group
- Contact Person
- Contact Address, Phone Number, Email Address
- Write your story about the opportunity you wish to participate in
- When will it take place?
- What is the cost and what can you afford and plan to contribute?
- What additional equipment might be required for you to enjoy the experience?
- What is inclusive about this opportunity?
- What will you learn/enjoy about this experience?
DEADLINE DATE: September 30thth, 2024
Our allocation committee will meet to review requests at that time.
Applicants will be notified in early October. Monies will only be released once plans are in planned and confirmed.
Helen Steinkopf Memorial Fund Application
c/o Manitoba Marathon Foundation Inc
1479 Dublin Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3G8
or by email to running@manitobamarathon.mb.ca