Make every step of your race count with

United Way Winnipeg!


We ALL deserve the chance to succeed—no matter our abilities or background.


For the fifth year running, Manitoba Marathon and United Way Winnipeg are partnering so YOU can enrich the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.


Our communities are stronger when each of us has the support to shine. Let’s work together to leave no Manitoban behind! 


Start by registering for the Manitoba Marathon online. We’ll send you instructions for setting up your fundraising page and helpful tips to make every step of your race count.

Then, you can make a personal donation and ask your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbours to help you reach your fundraising goal.


Fundraising is a meaningful way to offer life-changing support to Manitobans living with disabilities, so they can gain independence, participate fully in their community, and reach for their dreams.

Whether you raise $10 or $100 or $10,000, you’re helping break down barriers and shaping a more inclusive future for all.

On your mark . . . get set . . . go!

For more information on how to make a donation, or donate to a team online, click here.

Pledge form




Since 1979, the Manitoba Marathon Foundation has been committed to providing funding for projects in support of people living with an intellectual disability. The commitment is to support people to live in their own homes and for all people to enjoy their lives in an inclusive community.

Like the Manitoba Marathon Foundation, United Way Winnipeg supports investments and partnerships with community-based organizations to foster inclusion so that everyone can reach their potential – where children can succeed, families thrive, individuals have their needs met, and everyone feels included.

United Way Winnipeg, in partnership with the Manitoba Marathon Foundation is issuing a Call for Proposals. Funds raised through the Manitoba Marathon will go towards supporting persons with intellectual disabilities access resources they need to become more independent in the community.



Nonprofit organizations can apply for a grant of $3,000 to support an individual living with an intellectual disability to become more autonomous and transition into a more independent living environment.

Grants are divided into two priority areas:

  • Priority Area #1 – Grants of up to $3,000 to support the transition of a person from an institution into the community. This may be used for personal items required to make each person’s residence their home. It might include furniture (e.g., bed, TV, stereo, chairs, etc.), clothing, or whatever is needed to enable a good start in the community.
  • Priority Area #2 – Grants of up to $3,000 to support the transition of a person moving from a family home to a group home or a group home to an apartment or independent living with support by an agency. Similarly, personal items can be purchased to assist the transition.


To apply for the Manitoba Marathon Grant, your organization must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • A registered nonprofit organization in Manitoba.
  • An organization working in the health and social service sector working with persons with disabilities.
  • The recipient of the grant must be an adult living with an Intellectual Disability and receive services/support from the Department of Families.
  • An adult living with an intellectual disability is defined under the “The Adults Living with an Intellectual Disability Act” as an adult living with an intellectual disability who needs assistance to meet their basic needs with regard to personal care or management of their property.

Eligible expenses:

  • Furniture
  • Household items
  • Clothing
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Small-scale home improvements (e.g., paint, etc.)
  • Consideration may be given to recreational items that demonstrate improved quality of life for the individual. (i.e., social network, physical activity)
  • Etc.

Ineligible expenses:

  • Mortgage, rent or lease payments
  • Staffing costs (salaries, training and development)


The intake of grant applications for 2024 has now closed.  Please check back in March 2025 for funding opportunities.


United Way Winnipeg will accept applications starting March 1, 2024 at 8:30 am until March 25, 2024 at 4:30 pm.

Applications must be submitted online via the Manitoba Marathon Grant Application Form.

The Allocations Committee will review all applications and determine funding decisions. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application in early April.



For more information, please contact:

Crystal McLeod

Community Investment Manager
